5 Tips for a Strong Start to the New School Year | Primary Tutor Project

The new school year has landed!

After a busy week of chatting with parents, finalising schedules, and hosting our ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions for our Tuition Clubs, we’re all set to dive into the new school year at Primary Tutor Project!

My favourite part? Welcoming back both familiar and new faces to our classes! It is always such a joy to find out what our students have been up to over the summer holidays… I have already heard about some fabulous adventures!

As the term begins, it’s the perfect time to set your child up for success. To help, I asked our team of teachers for their top tips on how to help your child thrive this term:

5 Tips for a Strong Start to the New Term

  1. Ease Back into Routines: Yes, bedtimes might have slipped a bit over the summer, so gradually reintroducing school-day routines ensures children’s sleep is not affected.
  2. Brush Up on Last Year’s Learning: A quick review of math facts or reading can make a big difference. This helps ease any anxiety about new lessons as you trigger those synapses again.
  3. Get Organised Together: Double-check that all supplies and uniforms are ready to go – get the kids involved so they feel prepared too. (No one wants that last-minute scramble for a missing shoe!)
  4. Connect with Teachers Early: A quick chat at drop-off or a friendly email to say hello works wonders in getting to know your child’s new teacher. They will really appreciate the gesture! It’s the best way to stay in the loop and address any concerns before they become bigger issues.
  5. Consider Extra Support: If your child could use a little extra support this term, we’re here to help. We have limited space available in our Tuition Clubs and 1:1 sessions, which are starting back over the next two weeks. Whether your child needs to catch up or stretch their skills, we’ve got them covered.

If you need any additional support in helping your child settle in to the new school year, please get in touch. The team and I are always here to support you and your family! Or if you have any tips you’d like to share please comment below!

Have a wonderful start to the term.

Best wishes,

Callie & the PTP Team

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