
What does Primary Tutor Project provide?

Primary Tutor Project provides (amazing, engaging and inspiring!) online Tuition Clubs and one-on-one sessions for children aged 5-13. Check out our services here.

Lessons & Clubs

Bookings & Payment

How do I pay my fees?

When you register with Primary Tutor Project, you will be assigned with a Tutorcruncher
account to manage your lesson bookings and payments.

• Clubs and Clubs Plus+: Once you have made the payment for the first trial month of tuition,
you will be asked if you wish to continue with the club. Thereinafter, you will be charged the
set fee of £90 or £125 per month for the rest of the academic year. This is charged as direct debit for UK students, and Card Payment for international students.

• 1:1 Tuition: You will receive a monthly invoice to pay for classes for the month ahead. You
can do this by paying online or via Direct Debit.

Expert Support and Advice for Parents

Every month, we send out advice and support for busy parents of children aged 5-12. Be the first to receive our updates and freebies by signing up here!