Action Tutoring and Primary Tutor Project!

Wondering how we at Primary Tutor Project are supporting charity through our business? Find out more about Action Tutoring here!

Did you know that this year our team started offering free tutoring to pupils from low-income backgrounds?

Part of our mission at Primary Tutor Project, is to ensure that pupils from any background can access tutoring from our highly qualified teachers. As a start up business, we wanted to make sure that this was part of our business model from the get-go. Not as an after-thought, but as a fundamental part of the way we operate!

This year, we started tutoring through the UK- based charity, Action Tutoring. This has enabled us to reach 12 (and counting!) pupils from low-income backgrounds, who need the extra support in school but whose families would not be able to afford tuition.

How do we make it work as a small start-up I hear you ask? Well, we put 5% of the fees from our full-paying students into a pot, so we can continue to pay our tutors for the time when they would usually be supporting our clients, to instead support Action Tutoring pupils. So far, this has paid for two tutors to teach through Action Tutoring on a weekly basis. We hope that as Primary Tutor Project grows, we will be able to pay more of our tutors to do this too!

What is Action Tutoring?

Action Tutoring is a charity that supports disadvantaged young people to achieve academically, with a view to enabling them to progress in education. They do this by partnering tutors with pupils to increase their subject knowledge, confidence and study skills.

Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds aren’t less able, but they have decreased access to the tools that support them to progress in school and reach their full academic potential. This is called the attainment gap and is something that the charity aims to tackle.

Action Tutoring run tutoring programs both in person and online in the school. At Primary Tutor Project, we like to think of ourselves as online-tuition experts, so we have loved every minute of teaching these pupils online through Action Tutoring.

Without a doubt, Action Tutoring is running an amazing project and is a charity that we are really happy to be involved with!

A word from the tutor

One of our qualified teachers, Aliza, started providing English tuition for pupils through Action Tutoring this summer term. We wanted to share a final thought from her on her experience…

“I really enjoyed how the sessions were created in a fun and interactive manner. Each slide brought its own fun. I loved how engaged the children were and seeing the same group of children each week. It was amazing to watch them flourish whilst picking up new skills to enable their comprehension each week. I can see it has made them confident readers and also more willing to contribute to class discussions. The children would tell me about their week and it was lovely to hear! It is great working with Action Tutoring, as it is a sincere project which is child focused. They ensure fun lessons that are exciting for the children, which keeps them engaged throughout the term.”
– Aliza

We look forward to tutoring through Action Tutoring again from September and supporting a new group of pupils with their learning.

If you are a tutor reading this thinking that this is a charity you would like to support, Action Tutoring are always looking for tutors to help! Check out their sign-up page here

If you are a parent who would like to find out how you can support Action Tutoring through getting your child’s tuition through Primary Tutor Project, feel free to contact us here!

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