Category English

11+ Reading List for Younger Children

This week we had a question from one of our lovely parents. She was wondering how best to start preparation for 11+ exams for her son about to begin year 4? One of our number one tips is read, read,…

How to improve your child’s vocabulary!

letter blocks

At Primary Tutor Project we understand that a child’s vocabulary makes a huge difference to their learning. Indeed, a recent survey of teachers from 800 secondary schools revealed that many children are leaving primary school with a vocabulary that’s inadequate…

Make spelling fun

scrabble board game on shallow focus lens

At Primary Tutor Project we love helping children have fun with their spellings. Here are some tips on how to make spelling fun for your child!

Making Grammar Fun

laptop and books on brown wooden table

With a big emphasis on the technical side of English in the primary curriculum, we at Primary Tutor Project decided to share some tips and practical activities to help your child enjoy grammar. Encouraging your child to have a good…

Creative writing- 4 ways to bring it to life

girl smiling while holding her worksheet

At Primary Tutor Project we often find that children’s creative writing can lack a certain spark. Do you find this with your child’s creative writing? Although important, the focus in schools on grammar; fronted adverbials, conjunctions, punctuation, means that often…

Level up your child’s reading ability

woman reading book to toddler

For the last number of weeks our blog series has focused on giving maths advice to parents. This week we thought it would be good to bring our focus back to English. As most parents will know, your child’s academic…

Phonics – what’s all the fuss about?

boy in gray jacket reading book

During the pandemic, parents were more exposed than ever to what their children were learning in school (or remotely depending on the government guidelines). It was challenging for a majority of parents to teach phonics to their children, as they…

Reading tips for your child!

person reading a book

Over the Christmas break, I have had numerous parents reaching out to me for advice on how to help their children to improve their reading. With the lack of consistency and many distractions faced at schools over the last few…