

How to improve your child’s vocabulary!

letter blocks

At Primary Tutor Project we understand that a child’s vocabulary makes a huge difference to their learning. Indeed, a recent survey of teachers from 800 secondary schools revealed that many children are leaving primary school with a vocabulary that’s inadequate…

Addition for younger years

people playing with plastic numbers

Building a good relationship with maths from a young age is hugely important. So many of our students come to us hating maths; in turn they struggle. Mastering the core skills like addition, subtraction and multiplication is a huge area…

Make spelling fun

scrabble board game on shallow focus lens

At Primary Tutor Project we love helping children have fun with their spellings. Here are some tips on how to make spelling fun for your child!

KS2 SATs 2022: helping your child

composition creativity desk education

Lots of our lovely students will be sitting their SATs next week! We are so proud of what they have achieved this year, and wish them the best of luck next week in showing it all off! Here are some last minute words of advice on how to help at home over the next week.

Making Grammar Fun

laptop and books on brown wooden table

With a big emphasis on the technical side of English in the primary curriculum, we at Primary Tutor Project decided to share some tips and practical activities to help your child enjoy grammar. Encouraging your child to have a good…

Creative writing- 4 ways to bring it to life

girl smiling while holding her worksheet

At Primary Tutor Project we often find that children’s creative writing can lack a certain spark. Do you find this with your child’s creative writing? Although important, the focus in schools on grammar; fronted adverbials, conjunctions, punctuation, means that often…

Struggling to keep your children entertained this easter?

adorable child showing off her drawing

Electronic devices have become the go-to method for keeping children entertained and busy over school breaks. Understandably, due to the pandemic, screen-time is at an all time high. A controlled amount of screen-time utilised for education or entertainment purposes can…