Tag Primary Tuition

Level up your child’s reading ability

woman reading book to toddler

For the last number of weeks our blog series has focused on giving maths advice to parents. This week we thought it would be good to bring our focus back to English. As most parents will know, your child’s academic…

Phonics – what’s all the fuss about?

boy in gray jacket reading book

During the pandemic, parents were more exposed than ever to what their children were learning in school (or remotely depending on the government guidelines). It was challenging for a majority of parents to teach phonics to their children, as they…

A look back at 2021

person holding gold heart shaped ornament

2021 was quite a year for everyone, between lockdowns, covid variants and ever changing restrictions. It really had it all! For us adults its been a tough year, but for children it has been especially tough. There have been constant…